Friday, February 20, 2009


I love and hate looking through catalogs.

I hate them for two reasons. First, catalogs make me “want things” that I did not want or need before I read the catalog. I end up buying a shirt here, a toy there, an outdoor or kitchen thing-a-bob and more. Each order is small, but they add up to hundreds annually. The second reason I hate catalogs is that if I am busy when the catalogs arrive I put them in a “to read” stack. The stack becomes a “thing I need to do and don’t have time for.” The bigger the stack gets the more I worry about finding time to “look through” the stack.

But, not any longer, as soon as a catalog comes into my house I call/email the company and get off their mail list. Now, I don’t spend money on things that would be nice to have but I do not need, the house is less cluttered, my “to do list” a little shorter, and a few more trees have been saved.

Annual savings for us about $400 over the prior year. For you it will depend on how much you order in catalogs that you do not "need."

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